24 September 2007

#13 - Grunge Walls

While searching for some brushes to use with photoshop at deviantart, I found alot of brushes with the name "grunge" in there somewhere. The first thoughts that came into my mind, was what does the sound of Seattle have to do with photoshop brushes? Did Kurt Cobain photoshop? Could I reach Nirvana with these brushes?

Basically.... NO! Most of thes grunge brushes, are of paint blobs, not from a canvas but those made on a wall. So these wallpapers where created while testing nearly all the brushes with different colours...

19 September 2007

#12 - Trees on the freeway

Following my lost post, nearly two months ago, I've finally found the photos that I took while in a traffic jam on one of Oporto's main freeways. With a little bit of photoshopping, where crap can became "crapless", most of the times, this is the result: